
Progetto Erasmus+ P.A.N.T.A. R.E.I.

Promozione delle Aree Naturalistiche Turistiche Agricole e delle Ricchezze Enogastronomiche Internazionali
Abbandona le grandi strade, prendi i sentieri (Pitagora)


The progect is part of the  Key Action 2 strategic partenership for school only  financed by European Comunity

This project promotes the comparison among different European countries, either through remote collaboration, or during the mobility activities, in order to develop a more open mind and a more conscious awareness of European citizenship. The partners can also share the output and products in progress.
The goals:
To realize territorial promotion services (tourist packages, thematic routes, etc …);t
realize information material (maps, brochures, etc.);
make various materials for the Website;
territory promotion;
improve group relational knowledge and skills;
teach the subjects in a different and fun way, in order to make the role of the student more active in the content understanding and in the development of skills and competences for life.
Today, given the short attention spans of learners, which soon lead to boredom, if you do not propose “different” lessons, you may not get the desired successes. In fact, it is necessary to propose an activity that is not the frontal lesson, but which instead leads the learners out of the classroom, perhaps directly on the territory. The best teaching seems to be the laboratory one, which derives from the experimental method, that is to go directly to the field and make direct observation.

  • L’Istituto Comprensivo di Civitella Paganico (Italia), Poject  coordinator; P.Iva 80002340539
  • L’ISIS Leopoldo di Lorena di Grosseto (Italy);
  • L’Istituto IES Miraflores di Oleiros in Spain;
  • L.I.T.C. russian English private school di Limassol (Cyprus);
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Tondela Cândido de Figueiredo (Portugal);
  • Bicskei Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Általános Iskola (Hungary).